

  • Name

    Max Reis

  • Geburtsdatum


  • Nationalität


  • Wohnort


  • Schule


  • Hobbies

    Simracing, Sport, PC-Spiele

  • Vorbilder

    M.Verstappen/ L.Norris

  • Ziel

    Formel 1 Fahrer

  • Saison 2025

    Steht noch nicht fest




Einstieg in den Kartsport





Deutscher Meister

Südwestdeutscher Meister



Sieger Graf-Berghe-von-Trips-Memorial

5. Rang Gesamtwertung
ACV Kart-Nationals


Deutscher Meister

ACV Kart Nationals Meister

Vizemeister RMC Clubsport

Sieger Graf-Berghe-von-Trips-Memorial



Meister RMC Clubsport

4. Rang Gesamtwertung RMC Germany

Sieger Graf-Berghe-von-Trips-Memorial


9. Rang Gesamtwertung ADAC Kart Masters


2. Platz F4 Rennen Stadtkurs Pau Ville

15. Rang Gesamtwertung F4 Meisterschaft Frankreich


3. Platz F4 Rennen in Lédenon

14. Rang Gesamtwertung F4 Meisterschaft Frankreich



Nächste Rennen

Keine Rennen gefunden


  • ADAC GT Masters
  • Formel 4
  • Kartsport
26 Apr. - 28 Apr. 2024
07 Juni - 09 Juni 2024
12 Juli - 14 Juli 2024
30 Aug. - 01 Sep. 2024
27 Sep. - 29 Sep. 2024
18 Okt. - 20 Okt. 2024
16 Apr. - 18 Apr. 2022
06 Mai - 08 Mai 2022
13 Mai - 15 Mai 2022
28 Juli - 30 Juli 2022
09 Sep. - 11 Sep. 2022
16 Sep. - 18 Sep. 2022
14 Okt. - 16 Okt. 2022
08 Apr. - 10 Apr. 2023
05 Mai - 07 Mai 2023
12 Mai - 14 Mai 2023
02 Juni - 04 Juni 2023
14 Juli - 16 Juli 2023
22 Sep. - 24 Sep. 2023
06 Okt. - 08 Okt. 2023
30 März - 31 März 2019
13 Apr. - 14 Apr. 2019
12 Mai 2019
18 Mai - 19 Mai 2019
23 Juni 2019
29 Juni - 30 Juni 2019
21 Juli 2019
01 Sep. 2019
14 Sep. - 15 Sep. 2019
06 Okt. 2019
03 Nov. 2019
26 Juli - 26 Juli 2020
01 Aug. - 02 Aug. 2020
19 Sep. - 20 Sep. 2020
03 Okt. - 04 Okt. 2020
10 Okt. - 11 Okt. 2020
17 Okt. - 18 Okt. 2020
24 Okt. - 25 Okt. 2020


Mehr Videos auf meinem YouTube-Kanal

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Weitere Mitteilungen


Der «Offizielle Max Reis Fanclub e.V.» wurde im August 2018 von 17 Gründungsmitgliedern ins Leben gerufen. Mittlerweile verfügt der Fanclub bereits über mehr als 100 Mitglieder!

Verfolgst du meine Entwicklung und sportliche Karriere bereits aufmerksam? Bist du motorsportbegeistert? Möchtest du der Jugend eine Chance geben und mich auf meinem weiteren Weg unterstützen? Dann werde Mitglied im Offiziellen Max Reis Fanclub und hilf mir, die nächsten Schritte meiner Karriere zu gehen.
Vorsitzender Daniel Fries
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender Achim Ritzinger
Schatzmeister Johannes Koch
Schriftführer Kristin Kaysser

Vorsitzender Daniel Fries:

"Seit ca. 40 Jahren verfolge ich sehr intensiv - auch hinter den Kulissen - das Thema Motorsport und war bereits für mehrere Teams, Rennställe und Fahrer tätig.
Das Talent und die Begabung von Max Reis sind mir sofort aufgefallen. Es ist sehr wichtig zu Beginn seiner Karriere die richtige Unterstützung zu erhalten, deshalb habe ich mich direkt bereit erklärt den Vorsitz des Offiziellen Max Reis Fanclubs zu übernehmen."

Jährlicher Beitrag

  • 28 € |
  • 14 €
  • bis zum 14.

Als Mitglied haben Sie folgende Vorteile

  • Mitgliederausweis
  • Sonderpreis Fanpaket (Cap und Shirt) bei Vereinseintritt
  • Regelmäßiger Newsletter
  • Vergünstigungen bei den Sponsoren/Partnern von Max
  • Organisierte Fahrten zu den Rennen von Max
Recap New Year’s Reception 2025 ...🎉🏁

The New Year’s reception of my @max_reis_mr28_fanclub was once again a brilliant event...!

Profitable networking among business partners, great exchange within the Max Reis community and thrilling action on the racing simulators ….that was plan & all goals were achieved ....🎉🥂😜

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success and made the day something very special...! 🙏🏻

#networking #business #community #party #event #fanclub #fans #2025 #letsgo 


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#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens 
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing @autocenter_pipo 
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Recap New Year’s Reception 2025 ...🎉🏁

The New Year’s reception of my @max_reis_mr28_fanclub was once again a brilliant event...!

Profitable networking among business partners, great exchange within the Max Reis community and thrilling action on the racing simulators ….that was plan & all goals were achieved ....🎉🥂😜

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success and made the day something very special...! 🙏🏻

#networking #business #community #party #event #fanclub #fans #2025 #letsgo


- - -
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing @autocenter_pipo
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Grateful 🙏🏻🥰

Thank you all so much!!!

With this video I would like to thank
- my parents 
- my team 
- my coaches
- my sponsors / partners
- my fans / followers

for the fantastic support in 2024.

The publication is unfortunately a little late, but the message comes from the heart! THANK YOU!!! 🥰🤩 


#thankful #thankyou

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#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens 
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing 
+ Werbung durch Verlinkung +

Grateful 🙏🏻🥰

Thank you all so much!!!

With this video I would like to thank
- my parents
- my team
- my coaches
- my sponsors / partners
- my fans / followers

for the fantastic support in 2024.

The publication is unfortunately a little late, but the message comes from the heart! THANK YOU!!! 🥰🤩


#thankful #thankyou

- - -
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing
+ Werbung durch Verlinkung +

209 6

I wish you all and your families a happy new year and a great start to 2025!!! 🚀🍾🎉

Thank you so much for your support last year and the countless positive messages, comments and conversations over the course of the past season!

It was an exciting year with the switch to the GT3 racing series...! A completely different type of car was a big challenge and required a huge adjustment! It was perhaps the most exciting year of my career so far....

At @hauptracingteam, I found the perfect conditions and ideal support to master the demanding transition in the best possible way. I was able to learn an enormous amount from Manuel Reuter, my race engineer Thomas and everyone in the team, continuously develop over the course of the season and also set a few exclamation marks!

The absolute highlights of my debut season were, of course, my podium finish in Oschersleben right at the start of the season and my pole position in a challenging qualifying session at the @redbullring ! 😜🏆✌🏻

The reach of my social media accounts and the coverage of my career also increased enormously over the course of the year!

The 2024 season has therefore shown that the decision to switch was absolutely right! Many thanks to my coach @renaudderlot, who made it all possible....💪🏻

Of course, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my partners, sponsors and supporters once again! 

Without you, this season would not have been possible and I would not have been able to show my potential with this year’s successes....THANK YOU....! 🙏🏻

Graphics: @miguelgruberto 

- - -
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens 
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing 
+ Werbung durch Verlinkung +


I wish you all and your families a happy new year and a great start to 2025!!! 🚀🍾🎉

Thank you so much for your support last year and the countless positive messages, comments and conversations over the course of the past season!

It was an exciting year with the switch to the GT3 racing series...! A completely different type of car was a big challenge and required a huge adjustment! It was perhaps the most exciting year of my career so far....

At @hauptracingteam, I found the perfect conditions and ideal support to master the demanding transition in the best possible way. I was able to learn an enormous amount from Manuel Reuter, my race engineer Thomas and everyone in the team, continuously develop over the course of the season and also set a few exclamation marks!

The absolute highlights of my debut season were, of course, my podium finish in Oschersleben right at the start of the season and my pole position in a challenging qualifying session at the @redbullring ! 😜🏆✌🏻

The reach of my social media accounts and the coverage of my career also increased enormously over the course of the year!

The 2024 season has therefore shown that the decision to switch was absolutely right! Many thanks to my coach @renaudderlot, who made it all possible....💪🏻

Of course, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my partners, sponsors and supporters once again!

Without you, this season would not have been possible and I would not have been able to show my potential with this year’s successes....THANK YOU....! 🙏🏻

Graphics: @miguelgruberto

- - -
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing
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258 6
Merry Christmas 🎁🌲🎅🏻

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, reflective holidays and many magical moments! 🥰

The Christmas season is also a time to pause, reflect on the special moments of the year and, above all, say thank you.

Thank you to each and every one of you who has accompanied me on my journey - whether on site at the racetracks, via your messages and comments or with your incredible support on social media. 🙏

MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy the holidays....!!! 🎅🏻🌲

Yours Max

#Christmasgreetings #maxreiscommunity #MotorsportFamily #Thanks #merrychristmas 

Graphic: @miguelgruberto 

- - - 
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens 
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing 
+ Werbung durch Verlinkung +

Merry Christmas 🎁🌲🎅🏻

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, reflective holidays and many magical moments! 🥰

The Christmas season is also a time to pause, reflect on the special moments of the year and, above all, say thank you.

Thank you to each and every one of you who has accompanied me on my journey - whether on site at the racetracks, via your messages and comments or with your incredible support on social media. 🙏

MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy the holidays....!!! 🎅🏻🌲

Yours Max

#Christmasgreetings #maxreiscommunity #MotorsportFamily #Thanks #merrychristmas

Graphic: @miguelgruberto

- - -
#mr28 #maxreis #GT3 #amg #hrt #mr28rules #speed #gt #motorsport #adac #racing #ramstein #pirmasens
@renaudderlot @hauptracingteam @mercedesamgmotorsport @max_reis_mr28_fanclub @petergrossbau @sanicare_de @elsingersscheune @kscreifen @foilsta @gotink.designs @schwollenersprudel @mohrbachverpackungsmaschinen @fssimracing
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Max Reis
  • Delaware Avenue 1-3
  • 66953 Pirmasens
  • Vorsitzender
  • Daniel Fries
  • Postfach 1118
  • 66872 Ramstein